Grass Fed - Grass Finished
Frequently Asked Questions
What is hanging weight?
This is the weight as the beef hangs in the butcher shop's refrigerated curing room. The weight is taken as it arrives at the butcher shop. Hanging weight is prior to cutting, deboning, trimming, and wrapping.
What is finished weight or take home weight?
It is the weight after custom cutting and wrapping. This is approximately 55% to 65% of the hanging weight.
What is grass fed, grass finished beef?
Grass fed beef is just that. They are raised strictly on grass. On the other hand, grain finished beef are cows that might be raised on grass for a while, but during their last 30 days or so prior to harvest they are fed grain. Thus, they are grain finished. Part of the reason they are grain finished is because this puts a lot more weight and fat on the animal. You will find that grass fed beef has ample fats (good fats).
What are the benefits of grass fed, grass finished beef?
By the mere fact that you are reading this, you are probably already well informed as to the many health benefits, but did you know that the average American consumes about 70 lbs of beef per year? That’s about 1.5 lbs per week (seems low). By changing to grass fed beef (GFB) you save 18,000 calories per year.
GFB is high in conjugated linoleic acid(CLA); the good fat.
High in omega 3’s (good fat)
Lower in omega 6’s. It is the ratio of 3’s to 6’s that’s important. GFB has great ratios.
High in vitamin E (4 times that of feedlot cattle)
The list goes on. Perhaps, the greatest benefit is what GFB doesn’t have in it. GFB is heart healthy. See the article by California State University, Chico link below.
How are these animals harvested?
A well equipped mobile refrigerated truck comes to the farm. In a manner of seconds the steer is dispatched. There is absolutely no stress. Within minutes two people field dress the steer and it is quickly loaded into the truck with a system of pully’s and rails. There is no time for the steers stress system to activate. The beef is then driven directly to the butcher shop for aging, cutting, and wrapping.
Do you use any herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers?
No. Our grass is all natural and free of chemicals.
Are there any other costs such as cutting, wrapping, taxes, etc?
No. Everything is included in our price.
Will you assist us with cutting intructions?
Yes. There is a specifications sheet that is filled out for the butcher which we will help you complete.

How much grass fed beef will I take home?
A steer with approximate 700 lbs hanging weight yields the following:
24 rib steaks or two prime rib roast
24 T-bone steaks
12 sirloin steaks
12 tenderloin steaks
4 sirloin roasts
2-4 rump roasts
4 flank roasts
160 lb. of ground beef (90% lean unless specified otherwise)
12 round stakes or 24 cube steaks. ( or can be cut into carne asada)
12 chuck roasts (or steaks or ground beef)
Stew meat (or ground beef)
Short ribs (or ground beef)
Soup bones if you desire
Dog bones
*Please keep in mind that number of steaks, roasts, etc. will depend on the size of the cow. The above list is simply an approximation to assist our customers in determining how much they need to buy to meet their household's needs.